Ferdinand Kout’s apartment and commercial building

Klatovská třída 2085/43 (Plzeň) Plzeň Jižní Předměstí
Public transport: Chodské náměstí (TRAM 4)
Belánka (TROL 10)
GPS: 49.7389133N, 13.3712250E

The first plans for Functionalist commercial and apartment buildings on the site of the former Belani Brothers factory began to be drafted in the summer of 1934 and concerned primarily the plots lining Klatovská Avenue. Due to the fact that the plans for these buildings were undergoing approval almost simultaneously, the building committee of the municipal authorities often commented on them with the objective that the individual houses should not compete with each other too much, but rather compose a harmonious whole. The committee therefore intervened considerably in the process of designing the individual facades.

It was under these circumstances that the Pilsen builder Ferdinand Kout had the plans drafted in 1934 for the three-storey commercial and apartment building at No. 43. The plans had to respect the height and floor levels of the planned neighbouring corner house of Jan Matoušek and his wife Anna (C3–2079) as well as the dimensions of its display windows on the ground floor and the colouring of the renders. The committee also demanded a segmented facade. The architect therefore divided the shell of the building into three vertical sections, the middle section of which he slightly inset and decorated with coloured ceramic tiles. The individual sections nevertheless create a unified impression due to horizontal bands of smooth render passing between the floors.

The house offered a total of eight standard two-room and three-room apartments with kitchens and bathrooms. The ground floor contained two shops and a drive-through entrance to a small courtyard, in which were located a garage and storage spaces. The building is today in good, original condition, but for walling up of the original entrances to the commercial spaces, which are now connected with the adjacent corner house.




Ferdinand Kout and Co.


  • Archiv Odboru stavebně správního, Technický úřad Magistrátu města Plzně