Jaroslav Čada

Date of birth: 24. 4. 1889 Plzeň

Death date: 1969 Plzeň


The architect and engineer Jaroslav Čada was born in Pilsen in 1889. In the year 1910, he began his architecture studies at the Czech Technical University in Prague, which he did not complete until after the end of the war in 1918. His work was closely associated with the West Bohemian capital all along. After 1928, he worked as a professor at the local I. State Industrial School (now the Secondary School of Civil Engineering) on Chodské Square, where he remained until 1958.

In the 1930s, Jaroslav Čada was an active member of the Association of West Bohemian Fine Artists and frequently participated in joint public architectural exhibitions. In 1931 he took up, in collaboration with the architect Vladimir Wängartner, the work of Hanuš Zápal and at the bidding of the city council they drew up proposals for the new school building of Dr. Matouš Mandl (now Masaryk Grammar School in Pilsen) on Petákova Street. This facility was to be the final one of the set of buildings of the Trade Academy and the Czechoslovak National Bank (C1–1530), dominating present-day T. G. Masaryk Square. The resulting conservative character of the building, although endowed with a modern Functionalist layout by the authors, was the result of requirements for the harmonic completion of the block of the aforementioned pair of buildings.

In the first half of the 1930s, Jaroslav Čada also participated in a competition to design the buildings of Pilsen Trade Schools at Denisovo nábřeží (Denis Embankment) and won one of the three main prizes. From this foundation, he then developed, in cooperation with Bohumil Chvojka and Václav Neckář, a Functionalist project of the largest complex of school buildings in Pilsen at that time. He was, however, not involved with the further stages of this never-realised proposal.

Besides public buildings in Pilsen, Jaroslav Čada realised several houses and villas, among which the villa of Karel and Božena Svoboda in Pilsen-Lochotín from the years 1932–1934 stands out.


Selection of other works

Urn tombstone at Malvazinky Cemetery, Prague